Crowdstrike China's Army continues online espionage

The American security Crowdstrike identified a checkable spy group linked to the Chinese army, and systematically attacked US governmental partners in Europe in the field of the satellite industry.


According to Crwdstrike, the quacking group, which was named Panda Putter, has many connections to Comment Panda, the group that was shown to be working with the Chinese Military and accused by the US government of activities.

An essay 63 pages published by Crwdstrike revealed that Putter Panda is based outside Shanghai, with links to the People's Liberation Army (PLA) of China, the Third General Staff and the 12 Military Bureau with 61486.

The PLA's Third General Staff Division is generally accepted to operate under the of China's premier for intelligence gathering and analysis services, according to Crowdstrike, while the 12th Military Bureau 61486 supports the China's space surveillance.

According to the report, this unit is believed to have hacked companies from around the world to steal corporate commercial secrets, mainly on satellites, aerospace and communications.

Crwdstrike claims to be watching the 2012 espionage team, codenamed Putter Panda, and has documented 2007 team action.

The report "shows" the 35-year-old Ping, also known as cpyy, a person responsible for the domain registration for the Command and Control servers used by the Putter Panda team to distribute malware.

Crwdstrike reports a large list of tools used by Putter Panda, such as remote access trojans associated with victim's emails, along with other malicious programs they use to gain control over their victim's systems. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by Dimitris

Dimitris hates on Mondays .....

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