Almost 18 months after the closure of the online drug market Silk Road, criminal prosecutions continue. This time it seems that the accused are not the internet drug traffickers but two agents who participated in the investigation. Her special agent DEA, Carl Force and her specialist agent Secret Service Shaun Bridges are arrested and accused of online scams and money laundering.
Ο Bridges κατηγορείται για την εναπόθεση 800.000 δολαρίων του Silk Road σε bitcoins σε ένα προσωπικό του account at the exchange Mt. Gox. But Shaun Bridges' accusations "pale in comparison to the accusations against her agent DEA", Who is accused of theft of state assets and conflict of interest in the context of the Silk Road investigation.
Carl Force allegedly acquired hundreds of thousands of Bitcoin from Silk Road payments as part of his secret research and transferred them to a personal account instead of seizing them by naming state assets. He was also accused of working secretly for the Bitcoin CoinMKT exchange company, and using his powers from DEA he seized funds from the exchange, and later, using a subpoena to the payment company, Venmo tried to unlock blocked caps, as Wired says.
But the most surprising of all the accusations leveled at Force is that he acted as a paid informant for the Silk Road administrator of Ross Ulbricht, and allegedly sold information about their investigation into Ulbricht under two different aliases. Meanwhile, using a third alias, Force is also accused of trying to blackmail Ulbricht using data in the authorities' possession.
Force, is a 46-year-old and worked undercover as a member of Silk Road in teamς εργασίας της Βαλτιμόρης, από το 2012, επικοινωνώντας απευθείας με τον Ulbricht, ο οποίος φέρεται να χρησιμοποιούσε το ψευδώνυμο Dread Pirate Roberts. Με αυτόν τον ρόλο, ο Force το “έπαιζε” και σαν “Nob” ένας εικονικός ποινικός ο οποίος βοήθησε στην οργάνωση του φόνου του Curtis Clark Green για τον Ulbricht. Αυτή η πληρωμένη δολοφονία δεν συνέβη ποτέ, αλλά είναι συμαντικό να γνωρίζουμε ότι οργανώθηκε από την task force της Βαλτιμόρης. Η απόπειρα δολοφονίας φέρεται να έχει πληρωθεί από τον Ulbricht για να μην μιλήσει ο Green, που ήταν ένας εν δυνάμει μάρτυρας. Η δολοφονία αποτελεί την πρώτη από μια σειρά έξι δολοφονιών που οι εισαγγελείς κατηγορούν τον Ulbricht.
The lawsuit against Force and Bridges includes a detailed written affidavit from his agent IRS, Tigran Gambaryan.