A website which suddenly appeared and disappeared (S**paneli.org) leaked personal information of about 85 million Turkish citizens.
According to Cumhuriyet, the hackers obtained access at base data of e-devlet, a digital one serviceby electronic meansgovernments by the Turkish government for the citizens of the country, where they can see all the personal information.
The allegedly hacked service replaces the need for citizens to go to local authorities to deal with red tape.
The information that they leaked include numbers ID cards, phone numbers, medical information, entire pedigree tree, marital status, education level and more.
In information such as phone numbers and numbers identity η πρόσβαση ήταν δωρεάν, αλλά σε πιο εξειδικευμένες πληροφορίες η ιστοσελίδα required some kind of payment.
According to Halk TV (a TV station), with a search, you could access the mother's and father's names, ID numbers, phone numbers, relatives' information and even his mother's ID number person of interest.
- https://www.cumhuriyet.com.tr/turkiye/son-dakika-e-devlet-verileri-calindi-tc-kimlik-numaralari-bile-gozukuyor-2089112
- https://www.cumhuriyet.com.tr/siyaset/milyonlarca-yurttasi-ilgilendiriyor-calinan-verilerle-ne-yapilabilir-bilisim-uzmani-yanitladi-2089198
- https://www.cumhuriyet.com.tr/siyaset/veri-sizisi-skandalina-chpden-ilk-tepki-sattiniz-ya-da-satilmasina-imkan-saglayacak-ortami-yarattiniz-2089189