Install Windows 11 without a Microsoft account

There is a simple way to install the without having to sign up for a Microsoft account. We will use a command to prevent them require installation / setup with and then we will disconnect the internet at the appropriate time in the installation process.giorgos login win11

Let's start:

Follow the Windows 11 installation process until you reach the “ country".

Now we'll have to shut down the internet. However, before doing so, you should provide a command that prevents Windows 11 from forcing an Internet connection.

Press Shift + F10 and a will appear of commands.

Type the command OOBE\BYPASSNRO to stop requiring an Internet connection (OOBE = out-of-box experience).oobe

The computer will restart and return you to this screen. If it doesn't reboot, type shutdown / r and press Enter to reboot. Windows 11 will reboot and enter OOBE again.

Press Shift + F10 again. This time type ipconfig /release and press Enter to disable the Internet.ipconf

Close the command prompt and continue with the installation, selecting your region, and keyboard.

Then a screen will appear that says “Let's connect you to a network”, warning you that you need Internet.windows11 lets connect you to a network 05

Just click "I don't have Internet" to continue.

windows11 lets connect you to a network 06

Click Continue with limited setup and a new screen will appear asking “Who will use this device?”windows11 lets connect you to a network 07

Enter a username that you want to use for your local account and click Next to enter the password. You can leave this field blank and have no password.

Complete the rest of the installation process as you normally would. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

One Comment

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  1. I don't know if it still works, in the window that asks for a microsoft account you can put the email [email protected] and a random code will produce an error and Windows will be forced to put you with a Local User and not with a Microsoft Account.

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