Question: Can you send email without email?

Email is so basic that most of us do not even think about it. We open our program or our mailing page, we type the message and the recipient and just hit a mission.

A simple automated process that we all know and use. Email

But are you aware of alternative ways to send emails? Yes there are, and today we will mention one that exists in Windows.

We'll see how you can send an email using Windows PowerShell. You will need the very powerful Windows PowerShell tool.

Open a PowerShell window looking for powershell to search for the Start menu.

Use the following template to send a message through of Gmail. The first lines starting with dollar signals create the variables they need to send the message, while the Send-MailMessage line is the command that will send your message:

$ From = "[email protected]" $ To = "" $ Cc = "" $ Attachment = "C: \ users \ The_user_name \ Documents \ your_account.txt" $ Subject = "Subject of your message" $ Body = "write your message" $ SMTPServer = "" $ SMTPPort = "587" Send-MailMessage -From $ From -to $ To -Cc $ Cc -Subject $ Subject -Body $ Body -SmtpServer $ SMTPServer -port $ SMTPPort -UseSsl -Credential (Get-Credential) -Attachments $ Attachment –DeliveryNotificationOption OnSuccess

If you are currently using mail from Yahoo, the server you should use is and the port is 465. For Outlook, the smtp server is with 587 port.

You can remove attachment lines and CC if you do not need them.

Make sure you also remove them from the Send-MailMessage (-Cc $ Cc and -Attachments $ Attachment) command line.
With the -UseSsl command you will be sure that the message you send will be safely delivered using a secure SSL connection.

The -DeliveryNotificationOption OnSuccess option at the end of the command is used to get a confirmation that your message has been successfully sent.

Once you run the command, you will be prompted for your username and password (Get-Credential).

Type them and your email will leave for the recipient, or the recipients you have specified.

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...


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