Solve mathematical equations with Edge

"Math Solving" (Math ) είναι ένα νέο εργαλείο που προστέθηκε στο Microsoft which allows you to solve mathematical equations.

Allows you to select an equation from the web using a rectangular snipping tool and then solve it in the. Or you can just type in the equation. The result shows you all the steps of the solution as well as some useful resources. That is, it opens a sidebar in the current window, where it displays the solution of the equation. All you have to do is activate the service.

The Solution is a great tool for high school students. Uses the online version of Math Solver to solve equations. Math Solver has one too tool for mobile phones which you can now work through the Edge. The OCR technique it uses to determine the equation also works perfectly. With minimal intervention, it can produce accurate results and can help you learn or solve High School math.

For now, you can try Edge's new Math Solver tool in Canary build. This feature is not available to all users by default. So, if Canary build has it, then you can enable it as follows.

Step 1: Open Edge by clicking on the 3 dots icon in the upper right corner.
Step 2: Go to the "Appearance" section. Select the "Show Maths Button" option.

Step 3: You will find the Math Solver icon on the Edge toolbar and it looks like this.

Now, you have successfully activated Math Solver and it is time to use it. To do this, you only need to go to a webpage that has some math equation. After that, just click on the Math Solver icon and then select the equation.

It will then process the obtained equation and solve it for you. You can see the step-by-step solution in the sidebar. Not only that, but it also integrates relevant resources and videos into the equation you selected on the same sidebar. It shows you up and the temporary URL that has the solution to your problem.

This is how you can use this simple and very useful Microsoft Edge tool. We are not sure when it will reach the stable version, but we bet it will be a very useful feature for schools.

If you still do not want to wait, you can use Microsoft Math Solver online from any browser following this address. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by Dimitris

Dimitris hates on Mondays .....

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