By release of Firefox 54 last week, the process of disposal of polyprotic electrolysis or multiprocess Electrolysis was finally completed.
From the last one version of, o Firefox can use up to four processes, and so users of the popular browser they will be able to have better use of it μνήμηand of course better performance.
However, users who have been using the institution's browser for years Mozilla they may be disappointed to find that the program browsing them works in a single process.
If something like this happens to you too, the culprits are probably the add-ons useste for years.
To check if Firefox 54 uses a single process, you can check the operations of your operating system or check if the browser value associated with the internal configuration of dom.ipc.processCount in the firefit's about: config is set to 1 .
If you notice any of the above, it's time to look into your Firefox add-ons to see which extension gives error.
Firefox provides few information for now, but if you install the extension Add-on Compatibility Reporter you will see a lot of information in Firefox's Expansion Table.
In the upper right corner there will be a label indicating whether the multi-process is activated or not. Below you will see a list of all extensions and a label indicating whether or not they are compatible with electrolysis.
What you will do below is up to you:
If you disable incompatible extensions, then the multiple process in your browser will be enabled, but you may also need to change the value of dom.ipc.processCount as I did.
Alternatively, you can continue to run your browser with a single process if you absolutely need a specific one add-on, knowing that with Firefox 57 coming out in November, all extensions will be moved to Web Extensions.