Firefox Screenshots, new browser mode

In his recent builds Firefox Nightly, you can find a new feature called Firefox Screenshots. Allows you to capture a visible portion of an open page or entire page, including the section that is not visible without scrolling.

With just one click, you can upload the snapshots (Screenshots) and get a link to share with your friends.

Firefox Screenshots is not a new feature of Firefox. Before the foundation a Mozilla allowed you to take screenshots with a special browser command.

Eventually the browser developers added the useful feature, with one on the line of the application so you no longer need to type commands. Added a new button to the command bar, so you can take a screenshot with one click.

If you click the button, a small import will appear.

The following UI will then appear on the screen.Firefox Screenshots

You can choose between "Save Full Page" and "Save Visible".Firefox Screenshots

After that, you can save your screen locally or upload it electronically to

Once it's up screenshot online, you will have its link to share with your friends via any messenger, Facebook or email.

The "My Shots" button will allow you to access your previous Screenshots.

On his website, you can adjust the end time of your screen shots or delete them instantly.

The screenshots feature is not new to Firefox, but the addition of the ability to upload screenshots is a very fresh idea. Let's wait to see the function in the stable of the browser. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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