GifCities : Animated GIF search engine

GifGities is a funny and weird site that gives you free animated gifs for almost everything. Contains over 4.500.000 animations .


Try the Internet Archive's free animated GIF search engine. Enter the where you can search by any term you want. You can search for butterflies, balloons, cats, dogs, stars, etc.

The search is better done in the English language. If that doesn't work then you'll see a GIF of a penguin cuffing another penguin.

But if they exist , you'll see your screen full of animated GIFs. If you do to a GIF, then it takes you to the webpage from containing the given GIF.

You can of course download any GIF you see on your screen like (this is a GIF after all). The image of the article is the search results for the term "dog".

For the record, the animated GIF was probably the most iconic file type of the early web, circa the 1990s. Still, they're smart, small in size, and still as popular today as they were twenty years ago.

See the website from here. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by Dimitris

Dimitris hates on Mondays .....

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