HBO Hacked: Circulating 1,5T data

HBO seems to have become the recipient of one attack that resulted in the 1.5 leak data.

The extent of the violation

The violation was confirmed by HBO itself, which said it leaked proprietary data without specifying exactly what

In accordance with Entertainment Weekly, the attackers already leaked online unreleased episodes of Ballers, Room 104, as well as a which appears to be for the next episode of the hugely popular series of of HBO.

Hackers who don't seem to care about , αλλά περισσότερο για να προκαλέσουν βλάβες στην εταιρεία, απέστειλαν μέσω ηλεκτρονικού y a link that leads to the data to many journalists.

"Enjoy it and spread it. Anyone who spreads it more will be able to interview us. "The HBO is falling," the message reads.

The hackers reportedly told Wired that they have penetrated the of HBO and have collected "files, movies, scipts, and so on". They also claim to have obtained a lot of information on HBO personnel and other internal data.

The extent of the violation has not yet been determined, but if the assailants claim it is true, this hack is more like that of Sony (2014).

Now what;

HBO has invited security companies to help with the investigation, and has also alerted the Authorities to the incident. HBO Chairman and CEO Richard Plepler has meanwhile been notified by HBO employees of the violation.

"Ever since the malicious attack on Sony took place είναι προφανής, ότι οι hackers εκτιμούν ιδιαίτερα κάθε περιεχομένο υψηλής αξίας όπως ταινίες και τηλεοπτικές εκπομπές”, αναφέρει ο Richard Stiennon, Chief Strategy of Blancco Technology Group.

At the moment there are no more details, but you will definitely see the results of the hack on the of your neighborhood. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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