The latest version 8.1 Windows Update διαθέτει κάποιες αλλαγές οι οποίες καθιστούν ευκολότερη την εργασία με το πληκτρολόγιο και το ποντίκι. Ωστόσο, εάν θέλετε να καταργήσετε για κάποιο λόγο (ένας λόγος είναι ότι εγκαταστήσατε τις ενημερώσεις, από ανεπίσημα κανάλια, πριν την κυκλοφορία τους από την company), installing Windows 8.1 Update you can do it.
You have two options to uninstall it. The first is with the Control Panel.
- Open the Control Panel (click on the Win + R keys and in the new window write control)
- Navigate to Panel Ελέγχου \ Προγ΄ραμματα [control Panel \Programs]
- Click on the "View Installed Updates" link under "Programs and Features"
Alternatively, you can press Win + R keys shortcuts of your keyboard and type the following in the run window:shell: AppUpdatesFolder
This command will immediately open the Installed Updates View. See her complete list of Windows 8.1 shell commands
- Uninstall the following KBs:
- KB2949621
- KB2938439
- KB2937592
- KB2932046
- KB2919355
- Restart your computer and you're ready
Some users reported that they are unable to uninstall these updates using the Control Panel options. If you are affected by this problem, you should try to uninstall the Windows 8.1 Update by using the command line and the WUSA (Windows Update Individual) tool. This method also works with 100%.
- Open the command prompt as an administrator (press Win + X and select Command Prompt (Administrator))
- Type to perform the following commands, one by one:
wusa.exe / uninstall / kb: 2949621 wusa.exe / uninstall / kb: 2938439 wusa.exe / uninstall / kb: 2937592 wusa.exe / uninstall / kb: 2932046 wusa.exe / uninstall / kb:
- Restart your computer
Well done!!. You will now have Windows 8.1 without Windows 8.1 Update
Note: In the future, Microsoft will make Update 1 mandatory for all Windows 8.1 users. So you will not be able to update your operating system if you have not installed Update 1.