Iconbuddy : Download over 180K svg icons for free

IconBuddy is an online platform that offers free, open source, high quality SVG icons.


That's it Iconbuddy it has a huge library of over 180.000 icons which can be scaled to any size without affecting quality.

It also allows you to customize, edit, recolor and download them in SVG, PNG, WEBP, and VUE formats. The icons are super stylish, well designed and are sure to upgrade your online projects.

The process of choosing a group of icons, editing them and downloading them is very easy and basically the Icobuddy website guides you to find what you want.

All icons are open source and you can use them in any of your creative projects at no cost. Try it, you have nothing to lose either way.

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Iconbuddy, icon

Written by Dimitris

Dimitris hates on Mondays .....

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