Stay away from Boeing 737-800

"Scary moments for passengers on Southwest flight from Denver to Houston", one reporter tweeted of ABC News, “when the engine cover broke off at of the flight, forcing the plane to return to Denver on Sunday morning."


“Think of that big circular metal panel that surrounds the engine,” QZ writes – adding that after it broke, the engine cover "struck the wing of the 737-800".

It happened during takeoff, so the plane was towed back to the gate after returning to the airport. All passengers and crew were safe and passengers boarded a replacement plane for their flight to Houston:

Southwest a few weeks ago had other incidents. Last Thursday, an engine on one of its Boeing 737-800s caught fire before taking off from an airport in Texas and before that, two flights of FAA inspected airplanes interrupted by turbulence. One last month in New York and the other in Florida on Wednesday.

“Two hours later, an All Nippon Airways Boeing 787 reported of oil upon arrival at Naha Airport, Japan", reports Newsweek.

"We apologize for her inconvenience s," Boeing said in a statement, adding that "they place the highest priority on absolute safety for their customers and employees.

"Our maintenance teams are inspecting the aircraft." The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

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