Microsoft forbids installing Chrome on Windows 10 S

Google Chrome and Windows 10 S: The new Windows 10 S revealed by is limited to running apps only from within the Windows Store, and the company has confirmed that users won't be able to change the default and the search engine, which means it will only work with Edge and Bing.

This will of course be a big problem for friends of other browsers (Firefox, Chrome etc) because the other browsers are not available in the Windows Store. Nevertheless, it seems that even if Google released an application through the Windows Store, users of the new operating system will still not be able to use it.

A publication in ZDNet reports the special requirements for browser-only Windows Store applications that a version of Google Chrome could not comply with.

“Your application must not compromise user safety or the security or functionality of the device, system or related systems. Web browser applications must use the appropriate engines and JavaScript provided by the Windows platform,” the Windows Store guidelines state.

Microsoft offers developers a set of tools codenamed Project Islandwood that make it possible to port Win32 software to UWP (Universal Windows ).

In theory, if Google wanted to release the desktop version of Chrome in the Windows Store, it would have to use Project Islandwood tools, but according to the above requirements, the search company would need to develop the browser from the beginning using the rendering engine and JavaScript interpreters from Microsoft.

Microsoft cites security reasons for these restrictions, with a company spokesman explaining that Edge operates a sandbox environment and thus protects users from potential malware and exploits. Other browsers should do the exact same thing (have a sandbox environment), so they should be developed from scratch using Microsoft technology. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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