NHLauncher: All Kali pentest tools in one app!

NHLauncher is an application that makes it easier and faster to launch Kali Nethunter's pentesting tools. It is an open source application and works with the terminal that Nethunter already has.



Phone Requirements

  • Android 6.0 +
  • Rooted Android device (required to install NetHunter)
  • Complete installation of NetHunter
  • New nethunter terminal and app (2023.1), you can download them here: nethunter apk, terminal apk.

Main Features of NHLauncher

  • Editable Commands: You can edit the tool command by holding down the selected button and selecting the appropriate option

  • Add buttons to the 'Favorite Tools' category:
    By holding down the selected button and clicking on the appropriate option, you can add/remove the button to favorites. If there are tools in favorites, NHLauncher will open that category by default.

  • Add new button:
    by holding down any button in the selected category and clicking on the appropriate option.

  • Delete button:
    You can delete the button by holding it down and clicking the appropriate option. Note that you can only delete buttons that you created.

  • Theme Manager:
    You can fully customize the appearance of NHLauncher by selecting the theme manager from the top right toolbar

  • Settings Manager:
    You can customize NHLauncher settings, backup and restore your custom tools, favorites and your own buttons, run unresponsive setting by selecting settings manager from the top right toolbar.

  • Advanced search bar:
    You can search for specific tools by name using the search icon on the top left. It first shows the tools with the first character in the name that is the same as the one you searched for, then it shows the tools that contain your search character anywhere!

  • And more…



NHLaucher: a customizable component of NetHunter that provides a feeling of desktop Kali running on Android with over 250 tools. NHLauncher is an open-source app that makes it easier and faster to launch pentesting tools. It uses #NetHunter bridge for launching tools in terminal. All the commands are editable. #KaliLinux #android #nhlauncher #nethunter #potassium #smartphone #pentest

♬ RUNRUNRUN – Dutch Melrose

How to request new tools

If you want to request a new tool for NHLauncher, please check all its functions on the NetHunter platform first.

Here is an example request:

insertTool(db, 1, “{CATEGORY}”, 0, “{NAME}”, “{DESCRIPTION}”, “{DESCRIPTION}”, “{COMMAND}”, “{ICON}”, 0);

insertTool(db, 1, “01”, 0, “nmap”, “Network exploration tool and security / port scanner”, “Network exploration tool and security / port scanner”, “nmap -h”, “kali_nmap”, 0) ;


01 – Information Gathering
02 – Vulnerability Analysis
03 – Web Application Analysis
04 – Database Assessment
05 – Password Attacks
06 – Wireless Attacks
07 – Reverse Engineering
08 – Exploitation Tools
09 – Sniffing & Spoofing
10 – Post Exploitation
11 – Forensics
12 – Reporting Tools
13 – Social Engineering

Application Screenshots



How to request new topics?

saveThemeSettings(“{BUTTON_COLOR}”, “{TOOL_NAME_COLOR}”, “{TOOL_DESCRIPTION_COLOR}”, “{frame_xml_filename}”, “{BORDER_COLOR}”, “nhlauncher”);

saveThemeSettings(“#4A4A4C”, “#FFFFFF”, “#e94b3c”, “frame6”, “#4A4A4C”, “nhlauncher”);

You can download the program from here.


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Written by Anastasis Vasileiadis

Translations are like women. When they are beautiful they are not faithful and when they are faithful they are not beautiful.

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