PuTTY update instantly and change keys

The free software PuTTY can be used to create connections Shell, Telnet, απομακρυσμένης σύνδεσης ή σειριακών διεπαφών με διακομιστή. Ωστόσο, υπάρχει μια in the software in question (CVE-2024-31497) that can be used to rebuild SSH private keys. PuTTY versions 0.68 to 0.80 as well as other products (for example FileZilla) are directly affected by the vulnerability. putty

The bad thing is that a simple one is not enough of the products, as the keys may have already been leaked.

PuTTY is free software for establishing connections via Secure Shell (SSH), Telnet, etc. It serves as and establishes the connection to some server. When the connection is established, the user's identity is verified using one of the provided authentication methods.
PuTTY versions 0,68 through 0,80 contain a critical vulnerability (CVE-2024-31497) that allows attackers to reconstruct the private key P-521 using approximately 60 signatures. The vulnerability was discovered by Fabian Bäumer and Marcus Brinkmann (Ruhr University Bochum).

If you are interested in more details you can read the announcement at NIST.


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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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