Four new categories for Ross Ulbricht of Silk Road

Federal prosecutors in Manhattan have formally charged Ross , the alleged mastermind of the notorious Silk online drug market , that he is the driving force behind a major drug-trafficking, drug-smuggling, hacking, and money-laundering operation.

silk road main
The four categories were announced in a new indictment on Tuesday by the US Attorney of the Southern District of New York.

Perhaps surprisingly, there were no charges related to the six murders that federal agents wanted Ross Ulbricht to have committed. The original indictment wanted Ross Ulbricht to have ordered hitmen to execute murders, a number that later rose.

However, Ross Ulbricht faces a new charge, that of "ongoing criminal enterprise," which is usually imposed on leaders of organized crime.

The new charge can carry a minimum prison sentence and a maximum life sentence. The conspiracy charge “could potentially send him to prison for life, or at least 10 years. The other two categories will carry lesser penalties: up to 5 years for and a maximum of 20 years for money laundering.
In a statement to , Ulbricht's attorney Joshua Dratel said the new indictment "does not contain any new factual charges" and that Ulbricht will plead not guilty. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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