Hacking on Silk Road 2, 2,5 million dollars lost

A few months after Silk shut down by the FBI, the Silk Road 2 reappeared as we had posted τον Νοέμβριο. Η είδηση είναι ότι σήμερα ο διαχειριστής της διάσημης ναρκο announced that all of the website's Bitcoin reserves have been stolen following a breach of their systems. Good?

Silk Road

According to a complaint filed by a site administrator, they lost "Bitcoins worth about two or three million dollars" from the attack.

According to the administrator, the Bitcoins changed hands when the hackers managed to take advantage of a window - a security gap - of the transactions and withdrew all the funds.

“The attack took place at the worst possible moment. We were planning to redevelop a trading system last weekend, ”said Defcon, the administrator of the illegal site.

The same exploit it was also used on MtGox last week, the world's largest Bitcoin exchange. This issue led to any kind of withdrawal of funds, which led to the plummeting price of Bitcoin.

Forbes says that Nicholas Weaver, a researcher at the International Institute of Informatics, estimates that its total value ς που έγινε στο Silk Road αριθμεί περίπου τα 4.400 Bitcoins, δηλαδή πάνω από 2,5 dollars.

Its users Silk Road of course, are upset and do not believe Defcon's statements, as many of them have called for something to happen with this potential vulnerability in the past week.

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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