Silk Road 2.0 promise to return the Bitcoins lost by hacking

As we mentioned last week, the largest Silk Road 2.0 online drug market was breached by hackers who emptied its “coffers.” So Bitcoins, worth about 2,5 million dollars, they did . The "customers" of the famous drug market are obviously very unhappy with the fact, since the web expressly refused to take action against a known bug that ultimately led to the hacking.


Today Silk Road 2.0 operator Defcon as a creditable "shopkeeper" promised to return the 4.474 stolen Bitcoins, stating that staff will not be paid until the funds are returned. to "customers."

“Silk Road is not one that will be easily forgotten, and we will fight until we prevail as the strongest darknet community. We are committed to returning your Bitcoins even if it takes a year," Defcon said on Reddit.

Disgruntled customers claim that this could all be coming from the admins themselves, which Defcon dismissed. “We are investigating the evidence of the attack, and there is absolutely no indication that any member of staff was involved. We will post more when we have accurate data.” The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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