TLS 1.3: The IETF is the body that approves the proposed Internet standards and protocols. The organization gave its official approval for the next major version of the TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol.
The decision came after four years of testing to examine a total of 28 protocols. TLS 1.3 is expected to become the standard method by which a client computer and a server will create an encrypted communications channel for a secure Internet connection, such as HTTPS.
The protocol has several advantages over the previous version (TLS 1.2).
One of the best features of TLS 1.3 is that it will not involve older encryption and fragmentation algorithms (such as MD5 and SHA-224) using newer and more secure alternatives (such as ChaCha20, Poly1305, Ed25519, x25519 and x448).
TLS 1.3 will also be much faster in negotiating the initial handshake between the client and the server, reducing the latent connections that many companies said were the reason they did not use HTTPS.
The new version 1.3 will also support features such as TLS False Start and Zero Round Trip Time (0-RTT).
All this makes TLS 1.3 superior to all previous TLS versions, as well as offering protection against degradation attacks.
What does this mean;
The new protocol will prevent any attacker from trying to trick a server into using an older version of the vulnerability.
Overall, TLS 1.3 is a significant advancement in Internet security, as it is theoretically almost impossible to break, at least with today's computing resources.
The members of the IETF voted unanimously on the protocol, and did not adopt a proposal from the financial sector to introduce a backdoor in the structure of the protocol. The backdoor was needed for financial institutions to be able to decrypt TLS 1.3 traffic within internal networks.
The proposal did not pass the experts, who pointed out that a backdoor would make TLS 1.3 virtually useless.
Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Pale Moon browsers already provide support for beta versions of TLS 1.3 and are now expected to update to the official standard.
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