20 years of Gmail See when you created your account

1 in April of 2004, Google inaugurated it gmail, a service that has since become one of the largest e-mail platforms in the world.

At first, everyone thought it was a joke, another Google April Fool's prank since the until then it was known only by its search engine.

As I was one of the first to get a Gmail account in 2004, I remember the first thing that made a huge impression was the fact that the company gave me a whole GB of space for free.

Check your POP settings

POP settings show the date your Gmail account was created.
To view it, click the gear icon on the top right, select View all settings, and then click Forward and POP / IMAP.

In the POP download section, look at the status bar. You will see the following:

gmail since

The forums suddenly had a very interesting topic of discussion, Google's GB and of course who had invites for the new service, since it was only available by invitation.

Of course, I should add that obtaining a Gmail account was something very difficult. Google used to give 5 invitations to a person, then 10, then up to 50. Today, anyone can register without an invitation.

gmail beta

Gmail was officially released for 7 February 2007.

Unlike many others ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου, το Gmail της Google αντιμετωπίζεται σαν μια εφαρμογή και όχι σαν μια ιστοσελίδα. H Google δημιούργησε το Gmail με έναν τρόπο που δεν απαιτεί να φορτώσει εκ νέου ολόκληρη η ιστοσελίδα για να δει ο τελικός χρήστης τα νέα μηνύματα. Ήταν κάτι το αδιανόητο για την εποχή. Η εταιρεία το έκανε πραγματικότητα χρησιμοποιώντας by adding some JavaScripts. The idea turned out to be a success, even if many weren't so sure at first.

Today, Gmail is one of the most usable email services. Users of the Google service get 15 GB of free storage space to share between Google Drive, Gmail and Google+.

Since security always plays an important role for users, Google provides SSL encryption from the start of its service. First it was optional until it eventually changed to default for everyone.

After the NSA scandal, the company upgraded all of its SSL certificates to 2048-bit RSA, effectively doubling its that it offers to users.

Finally, Google announced that, for added security, Gmail has encrypted all email messages, even those moving to and from centers of Google. The move came as a reaction to the news that the NSA had infiltrated the company's data centers.

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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