Anonymous: The Canadian government's Top Secret report spilled

Anonymous continue their cyber-protest against the Canadian government, which began after the shooting of a Canadian protester in July. Now a secret document related to some of the Canadian diplomatic services buildings in the United Kingdom has been released.


The document released last week has been identified as authentic by 10 Canadian media outlets and contains information about the sale of one of the Foreign Ministry's diplomatic buildings in London, and the subsequent relocation and renovation of a new one.

Opinion is still divided on whether the document has any particular significance, with some arguing that it reveals a shady deal, because the Canadian government eventually bought a new building, paying 300 Canadian dollars (about US$228 million) more than expected, according to National Post.

The document is dated February 6 , and the actions described therein appear to have taken place in 2012.

Surprisingly, this commonplace transaction was described as "top secret" by the Canadian government, raising suspicions.

In spite of , the Canadian government appears to be more annoyed that hackers have managed to find a way to break into their systems.

This document leak is part of the campaign Anonymous under the name “Operation Anon ', which is in response to an incident that took place in Dawson Creek, BC, in July.

At that time, a protester wearing Guy Fawkes's classic mask (Anonymous) was shot and killed by a policeman RCMP (Police of Canada). Operation Anon Down began as an online protest to force the Canadian government to release the police officer's name, dismiss him from the body, and file a formal charge against him.

The protest in which the masked (James McIntyre, years old 48) was shot was not even related to Anonymous, but it was against a local hydroelectric project.

Previously, in July, the hacktivist team released Canadian Cabinet documents on political espionage and current capabilities.

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Written by Dimitris

Dimitris hates on Mondays .....

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