Bitcoin ATM at Amsterdam International Airport

Bitcoin ATMs at Amsterdam International Airport will allow you to convert the "remaining euro" into cryptocurrencies.

Amsterdam Schiphol Airport announced today that it had added a " ATM” that will allow passengers to convert Euros into Bitcoins and .Bitcoin ATM

The ATM was placed for a period of six months. Passenger demand will be measured during this time. THE of Schiphol says it is the first European airport to offer such to travelers.

“Schiphol is constantly looking for ways to innovate and provide the best possible passenger service”, the report said Tanja Dik, director of the Schiphol Consumer Products and Services Department.

"With Bitcoin ATM, we hope to provide our passengers with a useful service, enabling them to easily exchange euros in Bitcoin and Ethereum global cryptocurrencies."

So if you pass from Schiphol Airport, you will find the Bitcoin ATM in the 2 Arrival Hall.

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Written by giorgos

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