Cambridge Analytica filed for bankruptcy

After of the name at the center of a scandal that led to federal investigations, Cambridge Analytica filed for bankruptcy. The best; The workers had not been notified that today that the company it would stop working.

Cambridge Analytica named its employees and released a statement today confirming that the company is "immediately ceasing all her" because she had "become the subject of numerous baseless accusations.

Cambridge Analytica
Of course, the company did not stop its operation after some crisis of conscience. According to Journal, the company has not had the required customers in recent months. The company's press release indicates that its shutdown is due to the scrutiny it faced following revelations with Facebook:

Despite Cambridge Analytica's unshakable confidence that its employees have acted ethically and legally ... the media siege has had an impact on the company's customers and suppliers. As a result, it has been found that it is no longer viable to continue operating the business ...

Let's say the company's move was more than expected, as it does not have it range of Facebook, and its involvement in a scandal of this magnitude was something she could not manage.

Also the closure of the company was a necessary condition for it to reappear with another one , reassuring everyone involved. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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