2 Greek arrests in DarkNet

The Electronic Crime Prosecution Directorate filed a case file against two nationals in the context of targeted surveys to combat child pornography and the "Dark Internet". These are two nationals, 33 and 35, who kept an account on a "Dark Internet" website ( ), with child sexual abuse material

The targeted actions were carried out in cooperation with Europol and FBI darknet

Targeted actions to combat child pornography were also carried out by the Hellenic Police Cybercrime Directorate on the "Darknet" and a regular court case file was filed against two nationals, 33 and 35 years old, respectively. in the case of child pornography.

In particular, the investigation of this case began after conducted in cooperation with Europol and the FBI, on the "anonymous network" of "The Onion Router" (Tor), where they were located with material of sexual abuse of minors. The thorough analysis of the data revealed the involvement of local internet users, who maintained an account on one of the websites in question.

As part of the investigation of the case by the Directorate of Electronic Crime Prosecution in cooperation with the American Authorities (FBI) and the competent services providing internet services, based in the USA, the electronic traces of the email account with which he had Happen on that website.

The relevant prosecuting authorities were informed of the above and a relevant notice was issued and will to declassify communications. A methodical police and digital investigation by the Electronic Crime Prosecution Directorate followed in cooperation with the relevant internet and telecommunications service providers, and the two nationals were identified as administrators of the email account in question.

25-11-2014 carried out a regular police investigation, in the presence of a Judicial Officer, in the homes and workplaces of the two nationals in Patras, where the on-site digital investigations verified the account management and identified other digital details of the case.

A (1) internal hard drive was found and seized within the framework of the investigations, which will be sent to the Criminal Investigation Division for the necessary laboratory examinations.

A case file of a regular procedure was submitted to the competent Prosecutor's Office.

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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