Θα δούμε ριζικές αλλαγές στα profile (προφίλ) μας στο Facebook στο επερχόμενο μέλλον, καθώς η εταιρεία σχεδιάζει να προσθέσει υποστήριξη για βίντεο στο avatar του προφίλ αντί για τις pictures that exist now, add a new bio field, and also revise the design of the profile page for mobile devices.
"The world has changed since it was first introduced in 2004 profile", Said the production manager of Facebook. "Today we begin to try the next step in an obvious evolution of profiles: Profile Video"
This feature θα προσθέσει ουσιαστικά μια choice video upload in our profile avatar field. Once the user's video is uploaded, Facebook will resize it, then scroll continuously, and finally autoplay it for all people who visit your profile.
Avatar in the Profile that will be displayed for a short time
In addition to looping GIFs (which look like videos), Facebook engineers are also preparing topical ones photos προφίλ. Αυτό θα επιτρέπει στους χρήστες να ορίζουν μια picture profile for a number of days, and then when the timer expires it will revert to their previous photo.
This element is inspired by the company's Celebrate Pride filter, which members used to show their support for the LGBTQ community, and after some time their avatar turned back to their previous photo.
As Facebook says, topical photos in the profile may be of great use when it comes to holidays, birthdays, or support for various social media campaigns.
Bio fields and focusing on profile images
If you like Twitter Bio, then prepare to create your own customized description for your Facebook profile because the company is thinking about adding it.
This new Bio field will appear right below the profile photo, and it can be used to add details for you.
Above this, users will also be able to set the order of their top 5 suggested images.
A change is also expected for the location of the profile image, the company announced it will move from the left to the center of the screen, currently only on mobile devices.
The new update program has begun to spread to iOS users in California and the United Kingdom, and is currently being tested. If the users who experience it are receptive to the new changes, you can expect to hit the door in the coming months.
Watch the video below: