Facebook: officially announces the ads in Messenger

Facebook continues its efforts to make Messenger more profitable for the company. Today he said that is going to start showing on the Messenger platform globally.

The biggest , already tried the ads on Messenger in Australia and Thailand. The results were very promising and so today, Tuesday July 11, 2017, the company officially announced that the θα είναι διαθέσιμη στο Ads Manager και τον Editor για όποιον ενδιαφέρεται να τη χρησιμοποιήσει.Facebook

Although the new service was announced today, it may take a few weeks for it to function normally to promote advertisements to consumers globally.

Facebook is already a great promotional power. Earlier this year, the eMarketer research firm predicted that Facebook and Google could collectively have the 46% of online advertising up to 2018.

Advertising is reported to represent almost all Facebook revenue. However, the company said in May that it expects that high rates of growth in advertising revenue will slow down during the year.

And while Facebook doesn't expect big increases in ad revenue in the coming years, its Messenger platform still offers plenty development.

Over 1,2 billions of people use the social network every month and the use of messaging applications is expected to increase. Message platforms are also scheduled to start moving beyond simple social conversations and growing more frequently for business purposes.

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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