Netflix's biggest competitor is sleep

The title phrase she said Netflix CEO Reed Hastings: "Netflix's biggest competitor is sleep." No competition from HBO, Amazon Video or YouTube, but an innate human need.


There is a market for many successful ones companies, but the path to growth is limited by human consumption. Unfortunately we cannot extend the 24 hours. So Netflix and other companies should moderate our need for sleep or our time at work. They will have to change our schedule.

So it is already known, the content they manage and the way they present it are intended to lure us into bad choices.

The prominence of technology in our lives, as a whole, is alarming. Such as says Tristan Harris, of TimeWellSpent, "Never before in history have 50 male, mostly 20-35, white designers and engineers been in control of what a billion people think and do."

Our connection to social media is meant to give us instant gratification. It changes our mood and induces feelings of joy through notifications or interactions with our friends, family and interests. Because we don't know when we'll get our next dose of tweet satisfaction, the or our updates, we keep coming back, hoping for some or likes that will confirm us.

If the goal is our time (other than our minds) the tech companies win every time we turn our head to see a notification.

Technology is raising young people, our children.

Children are raised and shaped by the CEO's long-term, profit-driven plans.

Do we need wake up calls?

I think today's kids are much more mature because of the internet and I hope they understand quickly the lie in our life. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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