Passwords with images: Can they keep us safe?

Passwords with pictures: People are better at images than in recognizing letters of the alphabet. This is also the reason why we start as with picture books.

So we can understand why we can not remember strong passwords. Abstract characters, the arrangement of letters, numbers and sequence, in a non-word standard, do not help memorize. Strong passwords seem to be above human powers.

In the days of terminals and command line interfaces, passwords made some kind of sense. But today, the web interface is rich in graphics, colorful and flashy.

So why are we stuck in alphanumeric passwords? This is the question that examines SemanticLock's paper:

SemanticLock: An authentication method for mobile devices using semantically-linked images.

The idea

Instead of arbitrarily setting alphanumeric symbols in an invisible order, you can use a set of images. From these pictures, you can choose some that tell a story that makes sense and you won't forget. The story can be very simple: “ in the morning I eat breakfast with coffee ”.

So when you try to unlock your phone, a website, or an online service, you can simply choose from a group of images to filter your story. Today's screens could accommodate 12 with 20 images, or icons, that could expand the number of possible combinations.

Below is a graph of images depicting the concept:


The techniques used by SemanticLock are based on standards. Users drag their finger over images trying to describe the concept they have created as a password.

Authentication with based on such standards is faster than PIN codes, but is vulnerable to smudge, where the fingerprint on the screen reveals the images. So the images can change order to require different movements to "tell" the same story.

Test results

The researchers looked at the advantages of SemanticLock over PIN and Patterns authentication. They found that while Patterns gave faster connections and PINs had the lowest error rate. But the memorization of SemanticLock stories as passwords was far superior, with only 10% of test participants unable to remember their passwords. This was much lower than the other methods.

Researchers have been exploring virtual passwords for more than a decade, but what is innovative in this approach is the focus on storyline memorization, which is well-known to the man he likes to narrate.

Biometrics certainly simplifies the identity problem, but the study mentioned above shows that there are ways that could replace passwords.

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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