Pfizer more than doubles price of drug for COVID-19

Η this week she revealed that she has increased her of Paxlovid, an antiviral medicine used to reduce the risk of getting COVID-19 in those who are most vulnerable. His new price arrives around $1.400, more than double the roughly $530 the US government paid during the pandemic.


Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla told investors earlier this week that the will raise the price of Paxlovid as it moves from government distribution to the commercial market later this year.

But then he did not announce the new price. The company revealed the more than doubling in a letter to pharmacies and clinics on Wednesday. Wall was the first to quote the price of $1.390.

A Pfizer spokesperson told the Journal that "Pricing for Paxlovid is based on the value it provides to patients, and healthcare systems because of its important role in reducing hospitalizations and deaths related to COVID-19."

A cost-effectiveness analysis last year pegged Paxlovid's value at between $563 and $906 per treatment, according to the nonprofit drug price watchdog The Institute for Clinical and Economic Review. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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