The YouTube and third-party apps war on ads continues

YouTube continues to go after third-party apps that block its ads and reduce its revenue.


YouTube's ad battle is well underway after the company has tried for years to prevent third-party program makers from blocking its ads.

It's a constant battle. In March 2022, Google managed to stop its development YouTube Advanced which excluded its advertisements.

In August 2023, it generated pop-up messages when used preτα περιήγησης ιστού με προγράμματα αποκλεισμού διαφημίσεων για την αναπαρ βίντεο στο YouTube, προειδοποιώντας τους χρήστες ότι η αναπαραγωγή του βίντεό τους δεν θα εκτελούνταν, if these ad blockers are disabled.

Now, one new announcement on the support page of YouTube published on Monday indicates that third-party YouTube apps that attempt to end ads will receive similar treatment.

The new message s says that people using third-party apps that block YouTube ads may experience buffering issues when trying to watch a video stream. They may also see the error message “The following content is not available on this app”.

YouTube stated the reasons for this new crackdown on third-party ad blocking apps:

We want to emphasize that our terms don't allow third-party apps to disable ads because that doesn't allow the creator to get paid for views, and that ads on YouTube help us support creators and enable billions of people around the world to they use the streaming service.

The message added that if a third party on YouTube violates the API Terms of Service, "we will take appropriate measures to protect our platform, creators and viewers."

The only official way to get rid of YouTube ads is to buy a subscription to . The unofficial one is the various third-party programs, such as NewPipe, or browsers that can and do intercept scripts, such as Brave. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by Dimitris

Dimitris hates on Mondays .....

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