A user of Facebook argues that the social network failed to take action against one fakeof a page that had been set up with the aim of taking revenge by showing it porn photos of her from her ex-boyfriend. So he decided to go to the authorities by filing a lawsuit. The girl asks the social network to pay 0.10 dollars for each subscriber of the page. The total amount reaches 123 million dollars, as reported by the The Wrap.
Meryem Ali testified treatment against Facebook and her ex-boyfriend, Adeel Shah Khan, who had allegedly created a revenge page with pornographic material on Facebook featuring Ali's ex-girlfriend. Ali claims that all the photos were photoshopped and appeared fake footage of him body her. In fact, some of them presented a sexual act.
Ali learned about the page from her family members who took overcalls από τους φίλους τους. Φυσικά όταν έμαθε για την σελίδα εκδίκησης ή revenge porn as is the term, reacted immediately. He started making repeated requests on Facebook asking her company to delete the page, to no avail.
Immediately afterwards, he contacted the Houston Police Department and miraculously the page disappeared from Facebok.
The lawsuit he has filed “seeks to expose the false mechanisms protectionFacebook's "Privacy Policy." In addition, he adds that in other similar cases Facebook has paid millions of dollars.