RIAA requests co-operation from BitTorrent!

The Recording Industry Association of America better known as has asked BitTorrent to help fight piracy of its members' content, Billboard reports.riaa

In a letter to BitTorrent CEO Eric Kilnker, RIAA Executive Vice President Brad Buckles accused the company of being "the source of the software used primarily for breaches."

Brad Buckles reports that the of BitTorrent "facilitated about 75 percent of the more than 1,6 million violations committed by torrenting RIAA member projects in the United States according to a letter sent on . "

The letter includes a hashes catalog of RIAA member projects including Michael Jackson and Red Hot Chili Peppers.

He added that the RIAA is “willing to cooperate on a of sharing hashes with BitTorrent, Inc., on a regular basis , so that BitTorrent, Inc. to be able to use the information to prevent further violations.”

Please note that BitTorrent Inc. is behind the popular uTorrent program.

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Written by Dimitris

Dimitris hates on Mondays .....

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