Disable ads on uTorrent

The latest stable version of the popular BitTorrent uTorrent client brought back an advanced feature that allows users to disable the central ad banner. THE on options are not there, but those who know where to look can enjoy it without the annoying ones .


When the developers of uTorrent decided to use ads about two years ago, users of the popular program began to complain. So the BitTorrent Inc. chose to make ads optional. Of course, this didn't last long as ads came back as mandatory for everyone.
While users were able to remove ads from the drop-down menu, the option was removed from the developers.

But the uTorrent team seems to have revised its decision. The latest stable release, released at the weekend, reset the regulation.

So with the new version from the Menu / Options / Advanced, look for the gui.show_plus_upsell attribute and change the value to false.

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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