Windows 10 April 2018 Update: There are many who try to upgrade before the official announcement, but there are those who take a more cautious approach to installing a software update or purchasing a new device.
The latter are waiting for the utility or stability of the software to be proven, functional or device, before proceeding to the next step.
If this last category describes you and your approach to installing Windows 10, below we will see how you can delay the upgrade to Windows 10 April 2018 Update.
Windows 10 April 2018 Update upgrade
Before we go on I should mention that your idea of waiting is not bad at all. Your computer is not at risk as it will be up to date or will continue to be updated with all important security updates. You will just temporarily cut it off access to updates that bring new features and improvements. The options listed below vary depending on whether you are running Windows 10 Home or Pro.
Windows 10 Pro
Ακολουθήστε την διαδρομή: Ρυθμίσεις – Ενημέρωση & ασφάλεια και κάντε κλικ στην επιλογή Σύνθετες επιλογές. Ο πιο γρήγορος τρόπος να καθυστερήσετε την ενημέρωση είναι να ενεργοποιήσετε το διακόπτη Pause Updates. Με ένα click you can defer updates for 35 days.
To delay further, you can change the setting of the Semi-Annual Channel (Targeted) option to the Semi-Annual Channel. What do these strange names mean? The Semi-Annual Channel (Targeted) offers you the updates that were first released for a small percentage of a company's "targeted" computers, so that it can validate that the update works with its infrastructure.
The Semi-Annual Channel (six-monthly channel) will offer you the updates only after they are considered ready for all of a company's hardware and software. This channel usually delays updates by a few months to ensure compatibility.
Do you need even more time? Windows 10 Pro users can defer an update for one year. Under the dropdown menu (drop-down) του Semi-Annual Channel, θα δείτε δύο επιλογές αναβολής, μία για ενημερώσεις νέων λειτουργιών (feature update) και μία για ενημερώσεις ποιότητας. Το Windows 10 April 2018 Update είναι φυσικά ένα feature update αφού φέρνει νέα χαρακτηριστικά, ενώ η ενημέρωση ποιότητας (quality update) είναι μια μικρότερη ενημέρωση επικεντρωμένη στην ασφάλεια. Μπορείτε να αναβάλλετε τα feature updates για 365 μέρες και μπορείτε να αναβάλλετε κάποια ενημέρωση ποιότητας για 30 μέρες.
Windows 10 Home
You will not find the above options in Windows 10 Home, but you can delay the upgrade if you "tell" Windows not to install updates when you use a restricted connection. You should of course set your connection as metered.
Follow the path: Settings - Update & Security - Advanced Options. Make sure automatic updates are downloaded off.
Then, from the Settings - Network & Internet - Wi-Fi path, click the network connection at the top and scroll down. Select metered connection.
And what is the setting for Windows 10 Education?
should logically be the same settings as the Home version