Arch Linux with linux kernel 6.8.2 and backdoor fixes

For those of you looking to install Arch Linux, a new official ISO is available for download which is supported by Linux kernel 6.8 and has an improved experience s.

The Arch Linux developers were forced to release the new April 2024 ISO a little early due to the backdoored XZ Utils package, which affected the Arch Linux 2024.03.01 ISO image (as well as the engine and container images) that was available for download on the distribution website.

On Arch Linux, the backdoor existed in XZ package versions 5.6.0-1 and 5.6.1-1. The Arch Linux developers immediately patched the with XZ version 5.6.1-2, which is also included in the new ISO image, of Arch Linux 2024.03.29. More details are available from here.

In addition to the updated XZ pack, the Arch Linux 2024.03.29 ISO image is the first to be released with the latest Linux 6.8 kernel series, which of course offers better hardware support in case you want to install Arch Linux on something newer computer.

The ISO includes the Linux 6.8.2 kernel by default. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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