Security company Avast has just released 3 new ransomware decryption applications, reaching the 14 tools altogether.
"In 2016, more than 200 new ransomware strains were discovered, which is a development of the widespread spread of malware. The good news is that hundreds of millions of Avast and AVG users are protected from these popular threats, ”says a post on the company's blog by Jakub Kroustek, Avast reverse engineer and malware analyst.
Let's look at 3's new decryption applications:
Decrypting HiddenTear
The HiddenTear code was hosted on GitHub, so many hackers were tricking the code and were starting to use it. Encrypted files have a wide range of extensions: .locked, .34xxx, .bloccato, .BUGSECCCC, .Hollycrypt, .lock, .saeid, .unlockit, .razy, .mecpt, .monstro, .lok,. 암호화 됨,. 8lock8, .fucked, .flyper, .kratos, .krypted, .CAZZO, .doomed, and more.
Decrypting Jigsaw
The Jigsaw was first spotted in March of 2016.
Encrypted files have one of the following extensions: kkk, .btc, .gws, .j, .encrypted, .porno, .payransom, .pornoransom, .epic, .xyz, .versiegelt, .encrypted, .payb, .pays , .payms, .paymds, .paymts, .paymst, .payrms, .payrmts, .paymrts, .paybtcs, .fun, .hush.
Stampado Decrypting
This ransomware has been released since August of 2016 and is sold on Dark Web. Various versions are released on the internet and one of them is Philadelphia. Stampado adds the .locked extension to encrypted files.
See the list of Avast tools and look for what it does for you.