ETEKA Gas Stations are located in every corner of the country, forming a daily attitude for many drivers, says the official website, which was a pleasant stop for him hacker General.
As his friend informed us Mr. Perrakis Themistoklis, while looking for gas stations, came across which has been hacked. The website states:
Hacked By GeNErAL
Ack! Hacked By GeNErAL alias Mathis! ~ Hacked By GeNErAL Greetz: Kuroi'SH, RxR, ~ \! / Just for Fun ~ Hacked By GeNErAL \! / Hacked By GeNErAL! ! »
The hacker's message has been posted on ETEKA's home page, leading to the page where there is the message you see above.
Let's mention that her page companys has been created with WordPress, but as can be seen in the image below there was no one to update the software.