Microsoft Edge it is now a browser application which is based on Chromium, but also has a number of proprietary features such as Read Aloud and Microsoft-affiliated services instead of Google.
The stable version of Microsoft Edge based on Chromium is already available to the public, and has already received a few updates for support on ARM64 devices in Edge Stable version 80.
Also, Microsoft Edge still supports older versions of Windows, such as Windows 7, which is no longer supported.
Most Chromium-based browsers have their own internal page protocol. In Chrome it is chrome: // address, in Opera is Opera: // address.
For Edge, Microsoft uses edge as the protocol name to allow you to access the internal pages of the new browser. For example, the address edge: // sandbox displays the status of the sandbox in Microsoft Edge.
Below we will see the internal URLs of Microsoft Edge based on Chromium
edge: // about - the list of all internal addresses.
edge: // edge-urls - the lists of all internal addresses.
edge: // flags - enable disable experimental features.
edge: // accessibility - Edge accessibility features.
edge: // appcache-internals - web application cache.
edge: // application-guard-internals – Displays the status of the Application Guard feature and its tools.
edge: // apps - displays web applications
edge://autofill-internals – saved auto-fill logs if they are available.
edge: // blob-internals - saved blob data if available.
edge: // bluetooth-internals - information on available Bluetooth connectivity. Includes adapters and logs.
edge: // compat - list of Enterprise Mode entries, IE Mode status, user agent overrides, and more.
edge: // components - Installed plugins
edge: // conflicts - displays all loaded modules and problems if any
edge: // crashes - Details crash.
edge: // credits - credits for the libraries used in Edge.
edge: // data-viewer - diagnostic data.
edge: // device-log - device information.
edge: // discards - list of unloaded tabs for freeing memory.
edge: // download-internals - list of downloads.
edge: // downloads - opens the internal download manager.
edge: // extensions - list of installed extensions.
edge: // favorites - list of bookmarks.
edge: // sandbox - displays the Edge sandbox.
edge: // gpu - GPU details.
edge://help – show “About Edge” with version and check for updates.
edge: // histograms - statistics
edge: // history - history.
edge: // indexeddb-internals - IndexedDB statistics.
edge: // inspect - port forwarding for USB devices and network targets.
edge: // interstitials - pages that the browser detects: SSL errors, page not found, security issues, etc.
edge: // interventions-internals - state of intervention flags, logs, and other related.
edge: // invalidations - debug information.
edge: // local-state - browser features inside the JSON data.
edge: // management - list of settings when the PC is connected to a domain.
edge: // media-engagement - media sessions.
edge: // media-internals - media information.
edge: // nacl - NaCl (Native Client) information.
edge: // net-export - export network activity log.
edge: // network-errors - list of network errors.
edge: // new-tab-page - opens a new Tab Page (blank).
edge: // newtab - opens a normal new Tab page.
edge: // ntp-tiles-internals - details and settings for a new Tab Page.
edge: // omnibox - list of keystrokes in the address bar.
edge: // password-manager-internals - additional information about the built-in password manager.
edge: // policy - group policies of Edge. You can export to a JSON file.
edge: // predictors - auto-complete.
edge: // prefs-internals - browser options in JSON format.
edge: // print - print preview.
edge: // process-internals - details on location isolation, and site lists.
edge: // push-internals - Push Messaging snapshot.
edge: // quota-internals - available blank disk.
edge: // serviceworker-internals - Service Worker details.
edge: // settings - browser settings.
edge: // signin-internals - details about the sign-in status, user account (email address), etc.
edge: // site-engagement - site engagement scores for each page you visited.
edge: // sync-internals - synchronization details for advanced.
edge: // system - system information.
edge: // terms - terms of use.
edge: // tracing - allows recording, loading, and storing trace data.
edge: // translate-internals - details for the built-in translator
edge: // usb-internals - list of USB devices with test options.
edge: // user-actions - list of user actions.
edge: // version - Edge version information, enabled experimental features, and command line arguments.
edge: // webrtc-internals - create WebRTC dumps.
edge: // webrtc-logs - list of all WebRTC text and event logs.