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Tag Archives: Electronic Frontier Foundation
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Latest stories
Happy Birthday EFF
Stalkerware the new You series on Netflix and Kaspersky
Epson Updates for non-use of third-party inks
Facebook removes fake police bills
Internet: Article 13 of the EU the end of freedom of speech
Rule 41 What she suggests and why I need to care
Facebook, Google, EFF together against the FBI
Microsoft Report: Start a search for upgrades in Windows 10
FBI: develops software that classifies & monitors citizens with tattoos
The FBI is requesting an exception to the biometric data base law
Intercept How do our secret services watch us?
JPEG images could be locked with DRM
Digital civil disobedience: tactics, tools and themes
After Snowden: The US is preparing to pass the PCNA
HTTPS Everywhere 5 encrypt your connections
Detect Anti-Spyware Anti-Spyware from Amnesty International
Apple: iPhone data is safe from secret services
Microsoft refuses to deliver data stored abroad
Do you use Snapchat? Think the best
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